Download Auto-Rig Pro
- Purchase and download Auto-rig Pro from BLENDERMARKET.COM
- Unzip the downloaded contents
- 2 zip files will be included.
Install Auto-Rig Pro
To install Auto-Rig Pro:
- Open blender
- Go to Edit --> Preferences --> Add-ons
- Click Install and navigate to where the Auto-Rig Pro folder is saved
- Install the 2 zip files inside: auto_rig_pro_master and rig_tools. Make sure to install both
- Enable the plugins
- To check that the plugin installed correctly, click on View and enable the Sidebar
- There will be a tab that says ARP, click on it
Exporting a File from Axis Studio
- Open Axis Studio
- Open the file you want to export
- Click Export
- Set the File Type to .bvh
- Set the Skeleton to Axis Studio or Axis Studio-Thumb Open
- Choose where you want to save it and click Export
Import and retarget in Blender
Import BVH
- Open Blender
- Go to File --> Import --> Motion capture (.bvh)
- Select your Axis Studio data.
- You may need to adjust the Scale
Import Character FBX
- Go to File --> Import --> FBX(.fbx)
- Locate your character's fbx file
- You may need to adjust the Scale
Retarget with Auto-Rig Pro
- Navigate towards the outliner and expand the imported characters components.
- In the Auto-Rig Pro tab, expand the Remap options
- Select the Axis Studio skeleton as the Source Armature
- Then select your imported character's skeleton as the Target Armature
- Enable the In Place option
- Click Auto Scale
- Click Build Bone List to expose the source and target setup
- In the following list we'll need to match the source bone to our target bones.
- Select the source armature in the viewport
- In the drop down menu, locate the correct bone found in the target character
- When assigning the Hip bone, you'll need to enable Set as Root
- When assigning the feet bones, enable the IK option for both the LEFT and RIGHT foot
- Auto-Rig Pro allows you to save your mapping preset so that you can import them for reuse
- Click Re-Target
- In the popup window leave the default options and click OK
- Your Axis Studio animation should now be properly retargeted to your character