The following is a guide for how to configure a new character model to receive real-time motion data
by Perception Neuron.
Before we start you need to be aware of a few things:
- Your model needs to be rigged on a humanoid skeleton
- The bones of your rig can not have any existing rotations in them
- Your model needs to be rigged in a T-Pose
- The rotation value of all bones in T pose is zero
- Each bone’s local rotation axes should be the same orientation as shown in the following figure:
- Fingers posture refer to the following two kinds, one is thumb inside the palm and the other one
is thumb open-
- Thumb inside the palm shown as in the following figures (Axis Studio, Axis Legacy Skeleton)
- Thumb open shown as in the following figures (Axis Studio -Thumb Open)
- We support two sets of Skeleton Structure PN/PN Pro and PN Studio
- Set BVH output data without displacement in Axis If you’re model is not rigged with our skeleton
setup or your model may be twisted. For the BVH data without displacement, except the root
node (Hip) having displacement and rotation, other bones only have rotation data. Note: If you don’t consider the points mentioned above the applied motion from the integration will
look wrong. Please make sure to correct those issues. Worst case suggestion is to rig your model on
the included skeleton template found at: Noitom/PerceptionNeuron/Resources/Models
Skeleton Mapping
PN/PN PRO skeleton structure mapping
PN STUDIO skeleton structure mapping
Binary Data Sequence
Here is a complete graph of the whole sequence of the binary data received from Axis Neuron. It is a one-dimensional float array with different ordering and length depending on whether you’re using displacement data or not.