The following article will help users record animation data in Replikant. Once users have data broadcasting into Replikant, they can record it in Replikant.
Go to the Timeline and add an Avatar.
In the Animation Tracks, specify which parts of the body to record.
Add more Animation Tracks if you want to record different parts of the body on different tracks.
Note: Remember that the animation tracks can override the data on the animation tracks below them.
Click the Record button to start and end the recording.
To playback recorded takes, first, disable the broadcasting. Then click on the play button in the Anim Recorder.
In the Anim Recorder window, you can also trim takes and save them to file.
In addition to broadcasting their own motion capture data, users can also use animation from Replikant’s animation library.
Users can add these animations to the Timeline and can even choose to only apply the animation to certain body parts as determined by the Animation Track. There are animations available for both the body and the face.
To have an animation clip start at the location where the previous one finished. Right click on the take, click Edit, and enable the position and rotation matching options.
Blend animations by sliding the clips on top of each other and by adjusting the faders.
The camera button next to the render button enables Camera Preview Lock.
In the Details panel you can adjust settings such as the camera's Focus Method and Look at Target.
To create a camera from the viewport, select a camera in the Scene List, click on the Viewport tab, adjust the camera to your desired angle and settings, and then click 'New Camera from Viewport'.
Add a Camera Track for the new Camera to your Timeline.