The following article will help you setup Axis software data in Maya for real-time capture.
- PC only
- Maya 2016,2017,2018,2019,2022
- Multiple characters are not supported for now.
- Realtime data stream is ONLY supported
- Recording not support at this time.
Axis Software Setup
Axis Studio Settings
- Click Main menu --> Settings --> Advanced BVH Broadcasting
- Enable:
- Advance BVH - Capture if you are streaming live data
- Enable Advance BVH - Edit if you are streaming recorded data
- Choose the correct IP under Local Address
- Make a note of Port number, to be used for the Maya plugin setup
- Click OK to apply the settings
Axis Neuron/Pro Settings
- Click File --> Settings
- Make sure TCP is selected
- Enable Advanced BVH
- ServerPort number will be copied to our plugin Maya
Maya Setup
Enable Perception Neuron Plugin
Go to Windows --> Settings/Preferences --> Plug-in Manager.
Search for "noitom_perception_robot_2022x64.mll" and click "Loaded" and select "Auto-load"
Once the plugin is loaded, go to the Toolbar and click Neuron --> Mocap to open the Neuron Mocap plugin window.
Setup Motion Robot
Open the Neuronmocap window.
Enter the designated IP address from Axis Software and Port Number. This must be entered prior to Initializing.
Click Connect after the server information is entered.
Click Create Skeletons
Click Characterize to characterize your skeleton.
After the above is completed, a new Neuron Robot will appear on your view port
Import Custom Character
Note: custom characters must be in a T-POSE.
In order for our mocap data to drive your customer character, your character must be characterized.
Characterize your character using Maya's Character Tool
Characters that are setup with the Human IK naming convention can utilize the HIK template for assigning bones.
Load your customer character in the CHARACTER selection. Then in the SOURCE section, select the Axis Studio character definition.
To view your data playback, live from Axis Studio, Click Start mocap.
Click Stop mocap to stop the live data.