Axis Software Setup
You have the option to either stream real-time data or playback data, so first, either get your mocap setup connected and ready to record or put a pre-recorded take on loop. If you are using Axis Studio, you can do both at once.
Axis Neuron/Pro Settings
- In Axis Neuron or Axis Neuron Pro, go to File --> Settings --> Output Format and disable Displacement
- Go to Broadcasting and enable TCP or UDP, both are supported, there are just minor setup differences in the setup in unreal
- Enable BVH and select Binary format
Axis Studio Settings
- In Axis Studio, go to Main Menu --> Settings --> Advanced Settings
- Turn off Joint Space
- Next go to BVH Broadcasting
- Enable Capture, Edit, or both. Capture is for live data from your mocap suit and Edit is for pre-recorded data
- Disable: Displacement
- Protocol: TCP or UDP
- Skeleton:
- Axis Studio Skeleton (Axis Studio - Thumb Open if you are using gloves) if you are broadcasting to a character in T - Pose
- Unreal Engine skeleton if you are broadcasting to an Unreal character in A - pose
Unreal Set Up
Install the Live Link Plugin
- Search for the Neuron Live Link plugin in the Unreal Marketplace
- In your Unreal project, go to Windows --> Plugins, and enable the Neuron Live Link plugin
- In the bottom right corner of the Content Browser, click View Options
- Check Show Engine Content and Show Plugin Content
- Now you will be able to access content from the plugin such as the Noitom Robot skeletons
Connect to Axis Studio via Live Link
- In Unreal engine, Go to Windows → Live Link. Dock the Live Link panel
- Click Source --> Axis Neuron Live
- If you are using UDP then change local address number to match Axis Studio and make sure the port numbers match
- If you are using TCP change the remote address to match Axis studio and uncheck Is UDP
- Data from Axis Studio should appear under Subject Name.
- That means the connection is successful
- The subject name will match the name of the character in Axis Studio
Retargeting Axis Studio Data to a Character
Next, you can either use the Noitom Robot skeleton that comes with the plugin, the UE4 Mannequin, or import your own FBX character
- If you are importing a character:
- Make sure Skeletal Mesh is enabled
- Under Skeleton select none
- Enable Use T0 as Reference Pose and Import Morph Targets
- The import should create a few assets needed for realtime streaming:
- Skeletal Mesh is the Magenta one
- Skeleton is the blue one
Animation Blueprint for live sessions
Next, we need to make an Anim Blueprint to tell our character to use the Live Link data.
- Right click the Skeleton or Skeletal Mesh
- Select Create --> Anim Blueprint
- Open the Animation Blueprint
- In the blueprint space, create a Live Link Pose node and connect the out pin to the Output Pose input pin
- Use the drop-down menu to pick the Live Link Subject Name
Select the Live Link Pose node and in the Details panel, select a Retarget Asset. Depending on what type of character you are using, different remaps will be needed
- Live Link Remap Asset is Unreal’s base class. Do not use this one with Axis
- The Manual Remap Asset is a custom character remap. You will need to open the GetRemappedboneName Function to modify it
- The Mixamo OLD Live link Remap works with Mixamo characters with “Mixamorig” Prefix
- The Neuron Remap drives characters with the Perception Neuron and Perception Neuron Pro Rigs
- The Studio Remap drives Characters with the Studio Skeleton and Mixamo Rigs without the “Mixamorig” prefix
- UE Mannequin Live Link Remap Asset drives CC3 characters and may work for other 3rd party characters
- After choosing a remap asset make sure to compile and save
Corrective T-Pose
This step is not necessary if you are using the UE4 Mannequin or another UE4 character in A-pose. Make sure to select the Unreal preset in Axis Studio instead.
If your character is not in a T-pose, correct it following these steps, otherwise. Some software have their characters in A pose by default, but T-pose is necessary to retarget data from the Axis Studio skeleton.
- Open the character skeleton that needs correction
- Use the skeleton tree to select the joints that need correcting to more closely match the Axis Skeleton
- Make sure to look at the T-pose from the front, top, and side to make sure it looks correct
- Once the desired pose is achieved, create an Animation Asset with the current pose
- Name the Animation Asset something memorable and save it in the same folder as the mesh and skeleton
- Add the corrective pose animation to the character's Anim Blueprint
- Connect it’s output to the input of Live Link Pose
- Compile and save. This will update your Anim Blueprint
Create Actor Blueprint Class for live sessions
Next, we are going to create an Actor Blueprint Class
- Right click on the Content Browser and select Blueprint Class
- Select Actor and open the blueprint
- Click Add Component --> Live Link Skeletal Animation Component and Skeletal Mesh component
- Select the Skeletal Mesh component
- In the Details panel, choose your character’s Skeletal Mesh under Animation --> Mesh
- Now, just drag the Actor class into the scene
Troubleshooting Tip:
If the shoulders are not retargeting correctly on the Unreal Mannequin, try using this pose asset with the Axis Studio - Thumb Open skeleton: